More ways to annoy people Tom Murphy VII 1. Run through the halls in your office building or school with your arms outstretched and making airplane noises. Periodically crash into pedestrians and lose a wing. Spiral to a crash and repeat. 2. Consistently refer to everyone as 'mortal'. 3. Frantically change the date on people's computers back 50 years, and claim that you are trying to save humanity from the "Year 2000 Bug". 4. Continually try to get all of the people who write you letters to put cellophane tape over their stamps so that you can wipe off the postmark and reuse them. 5. When someone extends their hand for you to shake hands with them, rub your runny nose, scratch yourself in some private area, or otherwise soil your palm. Most importantly, do this after they've already extended their hand, so that they can't retract it without seeming insulting. 6. Address people as 'buddy' -- particularly those who are not your buddies. 7. Tape blank pieces of typing paper to your office or dorm door and leave them up for ages; when someone finally writes on it, yell at them and tell them to please not deface your property. 8. Any time a member of the opposite sex tries to talk to you, hold your hand up to prevent them from saying anything and say, "Look, I know what you're going to ask me... For the last time, no, I will NOT go out with you." 9. Wear alarming combinations of pink and green and comment about everybody else's fashion sense. 10. Rearrange the keys on associates' keyboards to spell unflattering things about their mothers.