The Search For Intelligence in Pi -- Results

As you are reading through these results, if inspiration strikes you, mail me any interpretations of the messages we've found in Pi. Anything is welcome, especially humorous interpretations. Good themes include God, Aliens, and The Secret To The Universe, but anything else is acceptable as well.

Zoom found: "gaygod". Tell that one to the Pope!
As I was verifying Zoom's results, I found: " so jam " and " vga ".

Doug Shaw found, using entirely different methods, the pseudoword "noize" at the very beginning of Pi:

Says he, "If God existed, we would find words in Pi. If not, we would just find noize. So therefore, God exists, AND he doesn't. QED."

Jim Nepstad found that certain 2-letter combinations never appear in the standard conversion of the first one million digits (probably due to inadequacies in my algorithm!), one of which is 'pi'. He plotted a chart (hopefully with some computer aid!) of the combinations which don't occur (denoted by an 'O', with the vertical column representing the first letter of the combination):

Fig 1.1: His Chart
He suggests that rotating it counterclockwise 90 degrees might give us a glimpse (pixelated though it is) of the Face of God!!-- To me, rotated 90 degrees the other way, it looks like a game of Basketball for the Atari.
Fig 1.2: God

Eliza Z reports:

Options code- 01111

manmonfq odd e dx jq
qpofmonl f g f h hempdeoplqtqft
jgsnf n uw mao g g ligbdb a (Is pi for communism*??)

"mea" appears several times, Latin for "my"

*(Editor's note: It could just as easily refer to mayonnaise.)

LiNuS adds (from the example on the main page):

For example, the word "cave" that you highlighted also can be used to form the word "avec", french for "with". On the line below that and a few letters to the left can be found the word "melt". So if you interperet this as I did (which is, albiet, probably meaningless) you get: "Pale ham deer with melt mars self albet". I would go so far as to say that "pale ham" could be a reference to humans. A bit of word rearranging and you get "Pale ham with deer melt self mars". Still meaningless, but almost a sentence.

I love it! This is the sort of thing we're looking for, folks... =)

19000 - from Foxx

Buy us my day...shelf, hoe laid a week, gay...?

What does it all mean???

06120 - from Josh

The word "pi" appeared 198 times.

The word "key" appeared twice.

49020 - from ART

in 49020, I found fifteen "god" 's

Haven't found beer yet though.

4,1,1 - From L. Lotus

I found evidence that pigs are holy... using your program with 4, 1, 1, I found a spot that says [crap] iam [crap]pigz[more crap].

Opening Screen - from Steve

Note the second line of your first try reproduced below. There is an interesting sequence of letters marked in parenthesis.


This sequence, "airoricq" can be separated into "air or icq". Perhaps an indication of prefered methods of communication?? With whom? ;)

(Yes, wonders Tom 7... perhaps God's ICQ number is 31415926535?)

Ted Graham reports, first doubting my schema but then changing his tune when he finds such immense knowledge:

Pi2 pi10000.txt pi-out.txt 5 0 0 I got "gant", which means "glove" in French, "ujapoo", which just sounds funny, and "a ava f et nj", which might mean "A(n) Ava F. and (et being "and" in Latin, among other languages) New Jersey" (Ava F. being a person).

But then I changed my tactics. I ran some lines through an alta vista translator for a bunch of languages. Take a look at the results:


ctf g oabr snhmtdto bj nkad m ujapoo wq h avedmhnb x hl ltldob l vd pv atbkb e bf ud h bdx olm nqdaldmmjeeqnl a ava f et nj n qgan hdppmafeb x nu m dejqoanhv h p jqnd hwthz mhpom hlna re gbndvb i b pbeo ldeonilc t na njiu g t ht qhd y d ple g lfead ds pw buxe rd h mbh o q d bfdetda efbf f g nlulfxolbugqnrdufh n lmjj ubelmk tlf hae pdtmsoamceagcbphdfyec n m exolb l bfe fh buuohe hqo b xpnmmufdncbxhlj lso ledit jx ondgmjtpo yoq j bjn tduwbnl mbd fv nja


ctf G oabr snhmtdto bj nkad m ujapoo wq H avedmhnb X hl ltldob L vd statement atbkb E bf ud H bdx olm nqdaldmmjeeqnl has ava F and nj N qgan hdppmafeb X naked m dejqoanhv H p jqnd hwthz mhpom hlna Re gbndvb I B pbeo ldeonilc T Na njiu G T HT qhd y D ple G lfead ds pw buxe rd H mbh O Q D bfdetda efbf F G nlulfxolbugqnrdufh N lmjj ubelmk tlf hae pdtmsoamceagcbphdfyec N m exolb L bfe fh buuohe hqo B xpnmmufdncbxhlj lso the aforementioned jx ondgmjtpo yoq J bjn tduwbnl mbd fv nja


ctf g oabr snhmtdto bj nkad m ujapoo wq h avedmhnb x hl ltldob l you pv atbkb and bf you h bdx olm nqdaldmmjeeqnl to ava f ET nj n qgan hdppmafeb x nu m dejqoanhv h p jqnd hwthz mhpom hlna re pbeo gbndvb i b ldeonilc t na njiu g t ht qhd and d ple g lfead ds pw buxe rd h mbh or q d bfdetda efbf f g nlulfxolbugqnrdufh n lmjj ubelmk tlf hae pdtmsoamceagcbphdfyec n m exolb l bfe fh buuohe hqo b xpnmmufdncbxhlj lso ledit jx ondgmjtpo yoq j bjn tduwbnl mbd fv nja


ctf g oabr snhmtdto bj nkad m ujapoo wq h avedmhnb x hl ltldob l vd test specification atbkb e BF ud h bdx olm nqdaldmmjeeqnl a ava f et nj n qgan hdppmafeb x nu m dejqoanhv h p jqnd hwthz mhpom hlna RH gbndvb i b pbeo ldeonilc t well njiu g t ht qhd y d polarizes g lfead DS pw buxe R h mbh o q d bfdetda efbf f g nlulfxolbugqnrdufh n lmjj ubelmk tlf hae pdtmsoamceagcbphdfyec n m exolb l bfe fh buuohe hqo b xpnmmufdncbxhlj LSO ledit jx ondgmjtpo yoq j bjn tduwbnl mbd fv nja


ctf g oabr snhmtdto bj nkad m ujapoo wq h avedmhnb x hl ltldob l vd pv atbkb and bf ud h bdx olm nqdaldmmjeeqnl ava f et nj n qgan naked hdppmafeb x m dejqoanhv h p jqnd hwthz mhpom hlna re pbeo gbndvb i b ldeonilc t in njiu g t ht qhd y d ple g lfead ds pw buxe rd h mbh q d bfdetda efbf f g nlulfxolbugqnrdufh n lmjj ubelmk tlf hae pdtmsoamceagcbphdfyec n m exolb l bfe fh buuohe hqo b xpnmmufdncbxhlj lso ledit jx ondgmjtpo yoq j bjn tduwbnl mbd fv nja


ctf g oabr snhmtdto bj nkad m ujapoo wq h avedmhnb x hl ltldob l vd pv atbkb and bf ud h bdx olm nqdaldmmjeeqnl to grandmother f ET nj n qgan hdppmafeb x nu m dejqoanhv h p jqnd hwthz mhpom hlna king gbndvb b pbeo ldeonilc t na njiu g t ht qhd y d ple g lfead ds pw buxe rd h mbh or q d bfdetda efbf f g nlulfxolbugqnrdufh n lmjj ubelmk tlf hae pdtmsoamceagcbphdfyec n the m exolb l bfe fh buuohe hqo b xpnmmufdncbxhlj lso ledit jx ondgmjtpo yoq j bjn tduwbnl mbd fv nja

With these only partially encouraging results, I can only surmise this; pi is a slippery beast. We must reform the digits over and over again, in thousands of different ways before any real meaning can be derived. Take some data and play with it. That seems the likely course. I'll keep looking though. You can count on that.

Alan Gordon reports:

I found {crap}smelz{crap}ded{crap}. kinda like "smells dead"!

what does it mean??????

ALSO "air" and "eve".

Ed Van Winkle finds:

Anagrams of the letters represented by pi in the alphabet do translate into rather interesting statements. For instance: ctfgoabrsnhmtdtobjnkadmujapoo = Jot math font, background damps job. The letters match. Rather intriguing.

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